Town Mayor Cllr Kelsey Dullard has asked all young people in Smalltown and Dullbridge to join her at Queen Ethelred’s School on Saturday to celebrate being young.
“As Headmistress at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others) I know exactly how much fun school is. There’s nothing quite like being in school and that’s why I’m inviting all school age youths in the area who have spent all week in school to come to school on a Saturday!
I’ve splashed more Council cash to hire the school hall and I’ve also spent some money on cups and medals which will be handed out to the deserving few who bother to turn up. To ensure that we do get at least a few young people at the event I’ve invited the various local youth groups in the area to come along, with some of their members.
Once we have a few young people trapped inside the school hall I will be giving a lecture on the topic of “Youth Councils are FUN”. It’s all part of a continuing Town Council initiative to encourage young people to get involved in the stuffy old business of councils.
I know there have been several previous attempts to set up a Youth Council for Smalltown and Dullbridge, including an event earlier this year by ex-Councillor Fawn Fairey, where she attempted to entice them to attend by offering free doughnuts. That didn’t work, so I’m hoping that the lure of some cheap fake silverware may prove more of an incentive.
Once I have identified some suitable candidates I’m going to have the doors to the hall locked and no one will be allowed to leave until I have the names and addresses of at least ten volunteers to add to my list of Youth Councillors.
It’s going to be a lovely day and I’m looking forward to seeing some examples of the pupils’ work.”
The event takes place on Saturday, at an unspecified time.