Pathetic RID bid makes sense

The reason behind Sadgebore District Council’s (SDC) lacklustre bid for funding to Re-Imagine Dullbridge (RID) emerged this afternoon, when it was revealed that, as well as the joint bid with Henhip District Council for government funding of £19.3 million to be shared between Dullbridge, Crapton Pallet and Cheese, Sadgebore has submitted an independent application for £20.3 million to be spent exclusively in Fridgpond.

The RID bid for Dullbridge, described as “unimaginative and cosmetic” by Missing Person, Tim Teepee, suffers from a lack of prior consultation, input from local business, residents and stakeholders and has been described as weak and ‘put together by a group of monkeys with access to a laptop’.

In contrast, the bid for funding for Fridgpond seeks money to redevelop the old Grade II listed former Fridgpond Hospital building into a Training Centre of Excellence and is backed by Fridgpond College, the NHS, The-All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, and the University of the South West, amongst others.

If successful, the money would be added to the current £23.2 million SDC Pot of Money We’ve Stolen from Section 106 Agreements Agreed in Other Local Towns But Will Only Spend on Impovements in Fridgpond (FOFFITSOURSNOW). As opposed to the measly £2.4 million of money jointly promised by Sadgebore and Henhip if the Dullbridge/Crapton/Cheese bid is successful.

Fridgpond Missing Person, Jon Piddle-Ranger had thrown his full support behind the Fridgpond application saying “Dullbridge? Where’s that? You know full well that Sadgebore District Council is only interested in Fridgpond, so I don’t understand why you are trying to confuse me with these trick questions.”

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