What’s on

It’s all systems go at the Playtheatre in Easton-under-Water, with a packed schedule of events for the month of August. With 13 live shows, including music, comedy and children’s entertainment, there’s sure to be something to appeal to residents and holidaymakers alike. This weekend will see a quick stage turnaround as three different musical shows take place on Thursday, Friday and Sunday.

Meanwhile, at the White Elephant Enclosure in Smalltown there’s absolutely nothing on this weekend but during August a few old films for kids will be screened on Wednesdays throughout the month, whilst The Michael George Experience will be on stage for one night only and errrm… that’s all folks.

If any SomersetClive readers have any insight into exactly what the Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM), Debby Karmary, actually does to justify her salary or knows of any valid reason why Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council continue to pump vast sums of money into this venture, please let us know.

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