SPUNC relaunched

Founder, Director, CEO and Legend in his own Bedroom, Levi Smeller, has announced the rebranding and relaunch of his Smalltown Pride – a Unique New Concept (SPUNC).

Announcing the change on social media Levi said “Hi guys! I have great news. I’ve managed to con the manager of the KingsTuppence club in Brizzle, into covering all my costs and helping me fund raise and I’ve also pulled the wool over the eyes of Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Councillor Rob Apprentice-Candlestick-Maker, who has also agreed to support me.

Orwell’s Farm in Bream have offered me the use of their stage and so, once I’ve raised a large sum of money, I’ll be ready to relaunch SPUNC as Smalltown Pride on Orwell’s Farm (SPOOF).

Obviously this event is going to cost far more than the one I was going to hold in the White Elephant Enclosure and there’s no knowing exactly what I’m going to be spending all those lovely donations on, but I fully expect to be able to purchase new merchandise with my name on, a couple of new mascots and hold a party to celebrate my greatness.”

The SendMeYourMoney donation page set up by the KingsTuppence details how the SPUNC had to be cancelled due to the lack of grant funding from the homophobic Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council and makes no mention of the fact that the grant application had been completed by someone who doesn’t have a clue.

SaD Town Councillor Rob Apprentice-Candlestick-Maker agreed that his fellow councillors are a bunch of discriminatory phobics, who should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves and pledged his support. “This inclusive event is exactly what the LGBT+ community of Smalltown and Dullbridge needs to give a safe place to gather without fear. My fellow councillors have no idea what they are doing and I’m proud to support Mr Smeller in his single-handed attempt to achieve SPUNC.”

SPOOF is scheduled to take place in September. Possibly.

One thought on “SPUNC relaunched

  1. Have requested a public meeting to find out what the community can offer rather than asking for financial donations, yesterday this seemed like it was going to happen, but now all comments have been deleted! A breakdown of cost was asked for, this wasnt really provided in any real detail either. Be good to meet the committee? Why isnt there any kind of transparency?

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