Turkey eats Barracuda

There was a stand off at a recent Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council meeting at the Hayloft Road Palace Home for Retired Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Ex-Teachers (and Others) involving local business tycoon and general enemy of all Councillors, Lex Turkey, and new head honcho of the BeFuddleds, Cllr Banish Barracuda.

It was the decision of the former Smalltown Head Administration Guru (SHAG), Tanya Summer, during her failed tenure to do away with any printing of agenda or papers for members of the public who might unfortunately wish to spy on the proceedings of SaD Town Council.

This means that members of the public either have to print their own copies from the MySaD website, or use their mobile devices to access records during the meeting.

SomersetClive’s reporter was surprised to find an attempt by Cllr Barracuda to prevent Lex Turkey and others from using their mobiles in this way. Given that Turkey generally knows more about what is going on than most of the Councillors, he intervened immediately. Barracuda confirmed SomersetClive and media mogul, Mike Maxman could record the meeting but what he was seeking to prevent was any other recording.

It was stated that recording is prohibited under the SaD Town Council Standing Orders. Turkey did not gobble further and instead was seen by your trusted reporter in heated conversations after the meeting with Barracuda and Cllr Eugenie Sherry, presumably on this subject.

SomersetClive has investigated Cllr Barracuda’s claims and found them to be false. There is no prohibition in the Standing Orders of audio recording, video, transcription or photography since all of this has been allowed for many years by the Openness of Local Government Regulations 2014.

It seems impossible that the BeFuddleds could be even more secretive and incompetent than the Illiberals they swept aside in heady scenes just two months ago. Even if it was probably a ruse to deflect allegations of homophobia for declining the Smalltown Pride – a Unique New Concept (SPUNC) funding at the same meeting.

Teacher grading: E. Must do better or face the wrath of Headteacher Emeritus, Councillor Fencesitter

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