Cleaner reveals “tantrums”

Mrs Mopp, 51. (Photo pixelated to prevent identification)

Squire Teflon would have tantrums if his framed collection of ‘conquests’ weren’t replaced in exactly the same order on the specially-built shelves running along the wall beside his bed, revealed his ex-cleaning lady.

Mrs Mopp, 51, told us “He would shout at me if I didn’t put them back on the shelves in chronological order. I don’t know why any man would be quite so proud of having bedded so many women – but I suppose if the rumours are true and his equipment is as small as they say, then it could be counted as an achievement.”

“On one occasion I accidentally put a photo of Mrs Y where I should have put the picture of Mrs X. He was apoplectic with rage. In the end I had to make list of all the names in the correct order to be certain of never upsetting him again. It took me ages.”

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