Cheese pairing finalists


Smalltown Cheese Festival organisers Margo and Felicity Farmhouse-Kitchener are moving away from cheese and turning to animals.

“We’ve used up all the Gouda cheese puns, so thought we’d see what pawsibilities there are with animals.” said Margo.

The change coincides with the two being named as finalists for ‘Mouse Friendly Business of the Year’.

“I absolutely squeaked with excitement when I heard the mews that we’d been nominated in this category“, Felicity told SomersetClive. “Our Cheese Festival is known as the top destination for mice, due to the mouse-watering range of cheese on offer. However, we know that some people don’t like to see mice running through Smalltown’s roadents, so we recently introduced a Pied Piper to our events; he brings an assortment of cats with him. This has proved to be the purrfect addition, as it has given us the oppurrtunaty to increase our stock of puns.”

“All our events are animal-friendly and it’s pawsome to receive this redognition. We are currently working on plans to introduce a Fish Festival to Smalltown this year – the world really is our oyster.”

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