Surprise, surprise

Or not

After scheduling a meeting, due to last an hour and a half, to appoint a new Councillor to their ranks, Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillors were surprised to discover that six of the would-be candidates had withdrawn their nominations before the meeting and further surprised when only three of the remaining seven turned up.

What shall we do now?” asked Councillor Trolley, ten minutes into the meeting and after Illiberal Party candidate, Saul Synn, was announced as the winner. Synn achieved all nine of the votes available from his Illiberal Party cohorts. “Are there any biscuits in the tin?” Trolley asked, hopefully.

Upon hearing the news that Illiberal Party councillors had voted the way they’d been instructed, the entire populations of Smalltown and Dullbridge said ‘”No surprise there then.”

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