Calling all budding writers!

Steve Gull at work.

Organisers of Smalltown’s Literary Festival are inviting budding writers in the area to submit their own compositions for its new short story competition. Poems are also invited, but not encouraged.

The winners will see their story or poem published in book form which will be available to purchase after the event.

SomersetClive’s very own Steve Gull will be sending in an extract from his incredibly long biography “One Hundred and Fifty Shades of Squire” and hopes it will be well received by the competition judges.

Steve told us “I’ve been waiting for the chance to unleash my work on the public. People know me best as the cub-reporter for SomersetClive – always out and about on the streets chasing down the latest news, but in my spare time I’ve been working hard on my magnum opus. Readers will be amazed by some of the revelations I’ve uncovered.”

3 thoughts on “Calling all budding writers!

  1. I can’t wait to read Steve Gull’s epic and exhaustive biography of the Squire!

    In the meantime, readers may enjoy these other works written by the man himself:

    “Practical TV Repair and the lost art of Betamax maintenance”
    “Having your cake and eating it – The Adulterors’ cookbook”
    “Back from the Rink – how to hide a failed endeavour”

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