What’s on

At the White Elephant Enclosure.

The Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM) has announced exciting plans to show old (don’t you mean ‘classic’? – Ed) films at the White Elephant Enclosure every third Wednesday of the month, excluding months with an ‘R’ in them.

The SCAM says “We know how much pensioners love to get out of an afternoon and how much they love films which were new when they were young, so now the films are old and so are the pensioners we thought this would be a great idea.”

“Most of them won’t know that they can watch these films (and much more besides) on a streaming service in the comfort of their own home for a similar price, so we thought we’d fleece them with this very special offer.

Among the films on offer will be ‘Breakfast at McDonalds’, ‘Costabrava’ and ‘Some Don’t Like It’.

Tickets for the screenings are available for £9.40 and for an additional £9.40 a cup of tea and a biscuit (Custard Creams, Bourbons and Chocolate Digestives are excluded from this offer) can be included.

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