Dictator Dullard ‘disappointed’ again.

Dictator Dullard has confirmed that she is “disappointed” after the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, confirmed that…

What’s on

The White Elephant Enclosure plays host to another Comedy Club Night on Friday where the 42…

You can’t polish a WEE

After only a matter of weeks the Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM) Susie Cookbook and the…

A Day in the Life of…

A Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Ranger. Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council employ two Town…

SaDTC new marketing campaign

In a desperate attempt to raise funds, in order to avoid falling into the financial abyss…

What’s on

Former Councillor Fencesitter, together with the Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM), Susie Cookbook, and the Smalltown…

Cake maker bakes another cake

Award winning cake maker, Busica Filberts, owner of Smalltown’s Busibakes, has managed to scoop another award…


Last Monday’s Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Full Council meeting saw Councillor Robb Apprentice-Candlestick Maker present…

SaD TC expected to announce decision TODAY. Possibly.

The Befuddled controlled Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council is expected to announce today that they’ve finally…

Decision deferred

Following the tragic events which unfolded on Smalltown Seafront this weekend, many residents have been wondering…