You can’t polish a WEE

After only a matter of weeks the Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM) Susie Cookbook and the Smalltown Culture and Arts Media Promotions Individual (SCAMPI), May Tricks, have already quietly dropped their weekly rosy blog which gave an over-optimistical view of the goings-on at the White Elephant Enclosure.

Introduced at the end of September the blog appeared on the website under the title ‘The Weekly Roundup‘ and featured side-splitting details of life behind the scenes at the WEE. Variously referring to ‘A fun week‘, ‘This week has been all about rehearsals (because there’s nothing else happening)’, and ‘We’re almost half way through the month of October already and it’s only going to go faster from now as we start to approach the festive season!‘, with the latter followed swiftly in early November by ‘The months pass by quickly and things will only heat up as we head towards the festive season‘ – making it seem as if Ms Tricks had run out of ideas to describe events at the WEE already.

The absolute highlights were to be found in mid-October as the SPAM and SCAMPI tried to convince website visitors that all is great at the WEE. ‘It’s been another busy week here at the WEE’, after a week which saw two shows scheduled and a total of 137 tickets sold. Only a week later the pair tried again to convince people that ‘We have been super busy behind the scenes this week‘ followed by details of a family show which saw 28 people attend.

Quite what the SPAM and SCAMPI do each week to justify the word ‘busy’ is unclear.

From the 13th November the Weekly Roundup was quietly dropped as it had become obvious that it is impossible to polish a WEE.

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