We visit the public house with a stunning architect-designed smoking shelter

This week SomersetClive Editor Clive Saint has put his ear defenders on to visit a pub…

The Smalltown pub which would be at home in Las Vegas

SomersetClive Editor, Clive Saint, has been visiting the pubs of Smalltown so that you don’t have…

The pub where all meals are lovingly hand-prepared

SomersetClive Editor, Clive Saint, continues his indepth pub crawl around the drinking establishments of Smalltown. The…

Unrivalled views from this traditional boozer

Continuing our Editor, Clive Saint’s guide to the glorious watering-holes of Smalltown. The Sad & DesperatePositioned…

We visit the gastro-pub you can’t afford to eat in

As your hard-working, good-for-nothing SomersetClive reporters (and my employees) are currently nursing ‘headaches’ after what can…

Our visit to the cosy hovel in the heart of Smalltown

It’s a not-very-well-kept secret that SomersetClive Editor, Clive Saint, likes a beer and is willing to…