Late for an Important Date

Four Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillors found themselves in detention after they arrived late at the…

BeFuddleds announce new Committee structure

After assuming control of Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council, the BeFuddled Party has announced a…

Dullbridge not so dull today

To prove that it is not just a Town Where Nothing Ever Happens, Dullbridge will be…

We are in a PENIS situation

With the revamp and transformation work still ongoing at The Hayloft Road Retirement Home for Bemused…

Sadgebore giveth and Sadgebore taketh away

With Sadgebore District Council recently unveiling their vision for the new Re-Imagine Dullbridge Bid (RIDBid), which…

All-new-yet-unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council line-up revealed

As the BeFuddled Party plan their take over of the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, it’s bad…

Testing times for SaD Councillors

It has emerged that the first meeting of the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Finance…

RID consultation opens

As Sadgebore District Council enters its final few months of existence, Councillors and staff have come…

No MUD for Smalltown and Dullbridge

There was dismay in Smalltown and Dullbridge on Friday when it emerged that the Towns hadn’t…

Jubilee celebrations – Thursday 2nd June

With Queen Victoria II’s Titanium Jubilee fast approaching it’s time for SomersetClive to take a look…