The Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM), Debby Karmary, has found yet another weapon in her…

Popular party game ends in dismay

It has been confirmed that Squire Teflon has lost his latest bid to win a round…

SPUNC grant rejected

Founder, Director, CEO and legend in his own bedroom, Levi Smeller, has spoken out about his…

Town Council incommunicado

Several readers have contacted SomersetClive to tell of the difficulties they’ve encountered when trying to contact…

‘Love in a Smalltown’

The story so far…Squire Teflon has helped Mistress Bones with funding for her dream to bring…

What’s on… Rave reviews for comedy

Classic television show ‘House of Commons’ has opened to rave reviews in Smalltown and Dullbridge! A…

Time Travellers spotted in Smalltown again

A large group of Time Travellers have pitched up on Smalltown’s Promenade Lawns for the 94th…

WEE snub for Sir Paul

As the crowds descend on the Somerset village of Milton for the Dalstonbury Festival is has…

SaDTC issue advice

Following the news that several of the new intake of Councillors are struggling with their new…

Psychic Pstorm in a teacup

The row between Smalltown’s very own dead-person botherer, Mystic Mick and fellow spirit-lover, Haig Norris (and…