Plans are afoot to replace Smalltown and Dullbridge’s Missing Person, Tim Teepee, with a new Missing…
Author: AlfredTGrate
Twits descend on Smalltown
A small number of twits arrived in Smalltown at the weekend after rumours circulated that a…
Christmas. The season that keeps on giving
SomersetClive has been contacted by concerned local residents about the Smalltown Christmas lights display as well…
Battery finally replaced
Following a long-running campaign, fought valiantly by Cllr Fencesitter, the battery in the Smalltown Town Clock…
Red Ruby Garden Centre to Expand
Work is set to start on a major refurbishment of out of town shopping destination, Pebblers…
Councillors almost object
During a lively meeting of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council’s Planning and Scheming Committee on…