A new community asset has opened in Smalltown Town centre aiming to help people struggling to pay their vastly-increased Council Tax.
The Community Bucket of Cold Water was officially launched with a ribbon cutting ceremony at Smalltown Rhythm Method Church and is run by volunteers from the Falafel Club.
A spokesperson said “This is a much needed asset for the town. Installing a Community Bucket of Cold Water means that we are now able to offer milk alongside our Food Bank supplies.
Residents can help themselves to the milk but we would ask that they only take what they need. We don’t want to hear of instances of people in the Tramway pub selling off pints of milk to the highest bidder.
The new Community Bucket of Water has an added advantage. Should we see any Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Councillors or the BeFuddled Party Prospective Missing Person, Clara Scullery, loitering at the front of the building seeking a photo opportunity we will be able to empty the Community Bucket of Cold Water over their head.”