What’s on

Former Councillor Fencesitter, together with the Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM), Susie Cookbook, and the Smalltown Culture and Arts Media Promotions Individual (SCAMPI), May Tricks, have been triumphantly declaring that this weekend’s entertainment at the White Elephant Enclosure is a sell out and thus proves that the WEE is a highly successful venue.

However, as always with the WEE, all is not what it seems. The Whirl Amateur Dramatics and Singing Society (WADSS) will be taking advantage of the WEE’s special hire charges for community groups for several performance of the musical ‘Singing Nuns’.

This will be the first time WADSS has put on a performance away from their usual homes at either the Makehay or PlayTheatre in Easton-under-Water. Performances by the group have always been popular, with many members of the audience being family and friends of the cast, as well as loyal Easton residents. In effect WADSS will be bringing their audience with them – with a knock on effect expected to mean that Smalltown residents will be unable to find a parking space in the town over the three days the show is on.

Whilst it is likely that a few SaD residents will have secured tickets, the main community benefitees will be residents from outside the area. Whether this audience will appreciate the uncomfortable seating in the WEE, compared to the luxurious interiors of the usual Easton venues remains to be seen, many first-time visitors to the WEE often sum up their visit by declaring ‘Never again’.


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