SaD TC plan to profit from charity

It has been revealed that Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council are planning to take vital funds from a Dullbridge Charitable Trust.

Northwell House and Gardens, which offers a quiet reflective space for residents as well as protecting the Dullbridge War Memorial Gardens approached SaD TC to request the renewal of a contract to cut the grass in the gardens, as SaD TC has previously agreed. SaD Town Rangers currently cut the grass 11 times a year for the Charity.

The cost of this to SaDTC has been revealed to be £265.94 per year. However, the Northwell Trust currently hand over £500 to SaDTC to be able to keep the gardens looking pristine and tidy for residents, with the Council making almost 50% profit on the deal.

Given that the gardens are open to all and are an amenity which contributes to the mental and physical well being of residents, not to mention being one of the last remaining green spaces which hasn’t been sold off to developers for housing, this would seem to be one of the few places in the Dullbridge area which could benefit from Town Council support in the form of an at cost, subsidised or even free service.

Northwell House and Gardens is run entirely by a group of Dullbridge volunteers and has charitable status from the War Memorial Trust. It derives its income from organising fundraising events and the hire of Northwell House with the money raised used to maintain the property for the residents of Dullbridge. The Gardens and House were purchased by the people of Dullbridge in memory of Dullbridge residents who lost their lives in the Second Great World War and the Gardens also displays other plaques dedicated to the memories of Dullbridge residents, including one for the railway workers who lost their lives fighting in the First Great World War.

The idea of SaDTC fleecing such a charity to make a profit seems highly distasteful, especially with the decision to agree the £500 charge due to be made the day after the Great and the Good of SaDTC will be leading Armistice Day parades in the towns, posing for photographs and clapping themselves for being so virtuous.

Alternatively the money could be spent to benefit the few by funding the cost of keeping the White Elephant Enclosure open for ten minutes.

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