STIFF hopeful for BIFF

Many residents have contacted SomersetClive asking why there has been so much activity centered around flowerbeds in Smalltown over the last week.

SomersetClive has done some digging and we have unearthed the answer – the judges from the national Britain in Flower Festival (BIFF) are due to arrive in Smalltown and Dullbridge today.

Organiser of the Smalltown in Flower Festival (STIFF), Dave Ferret said “I think everyone will agree that it’s a jolly good job that I enter Smalltown in this competition each year, because if I didn’t the chances are that neither Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council or the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council would bother planting up the flower beds.

As it is SaDTC has ignored my request for them to do something about the weeds, anyone would think they had no idea the competition is taking place. I’m going to have to tell the judges that those aren’t weeds they are just flowers growing in the wrong places. I don’t expect they will be fooled though.

SomersetClive wishes STIFF all the best in the BIFF awards, that Golden Petal award could be heading our way, if STIFF can convince the judges that Pinnacle Park is the only part of Dullbridge the judges need to see.


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