Loud Bangs heard

Onomatopoeic representation of the noise

Several residents reported hearing loud bangs in the Smalltown and Dullbridge area last night and armchair experts took to Faceache to share their views.

Several suggested that it sounded like a sonic boom and feared the Russians were invading Smalltown. Someone who knows all about these things commented “And for all you people who don’t know what a sonic boom is. It’s an RAF aircraft travelling faster than the speed of sound.” So now we know.

Others speculated that it was an earthquake with one person reporting that “My Christmas Tree ornaments were shaken.” and another suggested that “The Squire is making the earth move for someone!”, however this idea was quickly dismissed as it’s well known that the Squire has never made the earth move for anyone.

One wag speculated that it was “The sound of the SaD Town Council Town Clerk hitting the roof at Hayloft Road after discovering what the Squire has been getting up to behind her back.”

Another expert was adamant that the loud noise was down to a meteorite hitting Dullbridge, but said “I can’t be bothered to go outside and see if the place is still standing“, so this report is unconfirned.

Yet more people thought that it was probably thunder – given that it was accompanied by lightning and occurred during the height of last night’s storm. However this wasn’t a very popular view and was declared ‘boring’ by most of the experts.

Did you hear the loud bangs? What do you think it was? SomersetClive wants to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “Loud Bangs heard

  1. It’s rediculous. Dullbridge doesn’t get anything, ever. I bet Smalltown got an earthquake AND a meteorite.

  2. I heard several loud bangs and thought that perhaps the nuclear waste factory down the coast was going critical. But then I relaxed as I was sure that there would have been more than a couple of flashes of light

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