Members of the Smalltown and Dullbridge BeFuddled Party were in a quandary as they tried to decide which side of the fence they should fall on as they considered their response to the ‘McCads Problem’.
An anonymous source said “It was bad enough when we were all sat in a row on the fence, but now we are really trying to split ourselves in half. Some of us, led by Deputy Dictator Cllr Sherry, really want to throw him under the bus and sell tickets to an event at the White Elephant Enclosure to watch Cllr McCads be hung, drawn, quartered, crucified and hung out to dry.
Meanwhile, others, led by local party Chairman Cllr Banish Barracuda think we should keep it simple and say we know he’s been a very naughty boy and that we will be sending him to the naughty step to think about his behaviour.
The majority of us would prefer to not have to make an actual decision, decisions are very difficult.”
It has also been claimed that Cllr Sherry had argued the case for feeding Cllr McCads to the Lions back in April – before the Standards Board had met – but had been persuaded to hold off until after judgement day.
Our source said “During our April BeFuddled Party meeting she kept pushing and pushing for us to decide what we were going to do. She said that there wasn’t a lot scheduled at the WEE in May and that ‘The Crucifixion of McCads’ would be the perfect event to fill the programme, but that it needed to be advertised immediately so that a good number of tickets could be sold.
We told her then that we really needed to think and talk about it first, it doesn’t do to rush things.”
In the end Cllr Barracuda released his version of the response to local media sources, but in a concession to Cllr Sherry, the Smalltown and Dullbridge BeFuddled Party will hold a further meeting at a date to be confirmed (or never) to decide a suitable punishment for Cllr McCads’ transgression.