Whilst most of the attention of residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge has been focused on the antics of either Cllr Jock McCads or the forthcoming catalogue of Celebratory Coronation Celebration events, many people could be forgiven for having missed an exciting event taking place on Smalltown seafront this week.
The SomersetClive office’s attention was drawn to reports of small groups of people congregating in the area, so naturally your trusty reporter was sent out to investigate.
Sure enough, on arrival, I found several small groups sat around on benches or leaning against the wall staring fixedly in the direction of the Smalltown Pier.
I approached one group to ask what was going on. Local resident Kevin Dreary pointed at the Pier roof and said “Shhhhh. We’re watching paint dry. Most exciting thing I’ve seen in Smalltown for a very long time.”
Built quite a long time ago, Smalltown Pier is one of the UK’s oldest seaside piers, although it isn’t as old as some of them.
The design of Smalltown Pier has associations with the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren, with the design showing some similarity with the flowing, elegant, domed lines of St. Paul’s Cathedral, although you’ll be hard pressed to spot the flowing, elegant domed lines due to the glass and metal monstrosity added to the structure by previous owner, former Councillor Eloise Barking.
I remember when they installed the traffic lights. We spent days watching them change colour. But after a while, like everything in Smalltown, even that got predictable and boring
It was all go when the Asda roundabout opened. We bundled up the children, charged the camera for pictures for the family album and took a picnic. Best day out in a long time and we got a little bit dizzy driving around it THREE TIMES in a row!
We’re a mad bunch in our house