Feudal Festive Falling-out Flares

Elizabeth Street Christmas Lights in 2019

SaD Town Council’s victimisation of Elizabeth Street continues in the run up to this Saturday’s World Beating Christmas Lights Switch On Extravaganza.

It has been revealed to SomersetClive that as punishment for the George Inn’s upset about the removal once again of its Christmas Tree in favour of the car park, this year Elizabeth Street will have only six strings of lights across it. This compares with 17 wall mounted lights provided via SCOT in 2019 before SaD Town Council stepped in to improve the display.

Questions are being raised of Squire Teflon’s ongoing support of the WEE and environs. Given Squire Teflon’s SaD Town Council seat covers Elizabeth Street but not the WEE, why are he and his SaD acolytes so predisposed to that area of the Town Centre to the detriment of everywhere else?

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