In a three hour rant posted on AceCrook, Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water hit back at Smalltown and Dullbridge residents who have dared to criticise her Smalltown Shops (SS) group and her 72 hour Christmas Light Switch On A Winter War and all-my-own-idea Lantern Parade.
“These last few weeks, for me, it’s been about the commitment to pull together and focus on all our wonderful little town has to offer…
Both myself, Mistress Bones and Squire a Teflon made concerted effort, alongside the day to day running of own own businesses, to deliver an event that draws people into town.. truly welcoming our locals to join us …not in spending money but, in having fun with their families and building a most potent sense of nostalgia … and you ungrateful plebs can do nothing but criticise the amount of your money we spent on your behalf.
None of our organisers are paid .. not officially anyway, although I know some people have questioned what happened to the ice rink money, but that was nothing to do with me.
We choose to involve ourselves, so that we can exert some control over the businesses in this town. Control which Squire Teflon was excluded from having by the Smalltown Chamber of Trade as they are a non-political organisation.
Thanks to the efforts of Squire Teflon and his influence over Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council we were able to secure SaDTC support to ban the Intergalactic Food, Drink and Craft Marketfair from Smalltown and to get funding from the council to run our event. We do this because we appreciate that we are all each a small part of something unique. A wonderful, Independantly led, little town full of cafes, charity shops, estate agents and hairdressing salons
Hour upon hour, over these past 2 years, has been spent finding people outside our group to assist us in seeking financial support in order to see these events happen with the vast majority of funds actually delivered by sources other than those our local residents may possibly, perhaps, but not necessarily but definitely do contribute to by way of redistribution via town council funding.
There are some people who think that their SaDTC council tax should be used for services in the town and not to support the businesses who pay their business rates to Sadgebore District Council and so I’m very pleased to announce that we are fast achieving the very route to financing that we intended from the ‘off’ and now pride ourselves in the fact that, whilst you via your local council have contributed, such funding is, comparatively, already minimal in respect of that gathered from elsewhere & that already, we the SS , are well on our way to overcoming the need to appeal for town council funds.
From now on we will be totally self-sufficient and will not need to ask the Town Council for funding to hold any future events.
(Except for any event for which we require funding, for example the coronation of King Henry IX and next year’s Christmas Light Switch On.)
So to all you keyboard warriors who have felt the need to criticise I would remind you that I am a very, very, very, important person and I have only two words for you. And the second one is ‘off’. “