Despite SomersetClive issuing a Public Service Announcement warning Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Councillors of the change of venue for the Town Council meeting last night, many still failed to get the message, with only 10 of the 18 councillors managing to attend the alternative setting at Chapelmeadows School in Dullbridge.
Those councillors who didn’t make it missed the 94 minute monologue from Headmistress and Town Mayor, Kelsey Dullard who told everyone in great detail exactly what she’s been up to since she saw them last. SomersetClive will be sharing the details of her assembly address in full, once we’ve woken up.
The traditional End-of-Year Meeting Mince Pie was also missing in action, with one Illiberal Party Councillor grumbling “We always have a FREE mince pie at the last meeting of the year. It makes turning up to all the other meetings worthwhile. These BeFuddleds wouldn’t know that, because until May most of them didn’t have a clue about what happens in Council meetings. In fact, most of them still don’t have a clue.”
Speaking after the meeting the Smalltown New Administration Guru (SNAG) Katie Global said “I don’t know why so few councillors made it to Dullbridge. I know I only added the new venue as a line at the top of the meeting agenda, rather than issuing a separate notice, so it is possible that some of them didn’t realise.
I did have a couple of emails from councillors who were uncertain as to where Dullbridge is, so it’s also entirely possible that they got lost on the way.”
Katie Global has warned residents that should they spot any bemused and bewildered Town Councillors wandering the streets of Dullbridge they should not approach them as the councillors are likely to be highly distressed, but instead, residents should contact SaDTC at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others)