Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council’s plan to help residents keep warm this winter has got off to a flying start (Ed – are you sure?).
Details of where residents can go to keep warm have now been added to SaDTC’s website, where they can be found buried deeply – in common with all the other hidden information which could be useful to residents if they only knew where to look for it.
So far, only the council-owned White Elephant Enclosure appears on the list, but the WEE’s participation in the scheme is as yet unconfirmed.
Proving that she’s all heart and has the interests of Smalltown and Dullbridge residents as a top priority, Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM), Debby Karmary said “I’d like to see the White Elephant Enclosure open as part of the original White Elephant Enclosure Warm Energy Endeavour (WEEWEE) plan, which is something Town Councillors have been trying to insist I do.
However, obviously this sort of thing comes at a cost and there’s nothing in the WEE budget to cover it.
I have applied to the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council to try and get some money from them, but if that is not forthcoming then the WEE will not be taking part.
We are not a charity, nor do we exist to make life enjoyable for residents, so as far as I’m concerned no cash, no heat.
To be honest I have concerns about residents coming in here, disturbing me and giving me work to do. I don’t have time for that sort of thing. If I did then I’d actually be thinking of ways to get people into the WEE to increase the income, but as SaDTC are happy to keep handing over ever increasing sums of money without question, I don’t see why I should bother.”