Sadgebore District Council will today hold a Cost of Living Crisis Emergency We Are All Going to Die Event (COLCEWAAGTDE) at the White Elephant Enclosure, where representatives from various organisations will be available to hand out leaflets to concerned residents.
Sadgebore spokesperson Blair Stagg “We have organised this event to offer advice, help and support to Smalltown and Dullbridge residents who may have worries about the price rises on just about everything. We will have experts on hand to discuss the benefits of not heating your home, not eating and considering working 24/7 in order to survive the upcoming crisis.
The event has only been publicised online, because we only want to attract people who have access to a smartphone or computer. The very people who could access the same information via an Internet search engine. The people who could likely genuinely benefit from this event – for example the elderly or infirm – won’t know it’s being held, so we don’t have to worry about giving advice to those who really need it.
There will also be an opportunity to gather as many leaflets as possible during your visit – these can be saved up to pop on the fire during a cold snap.“