Councillors confirm ‘thinking’

The October Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Town Unimprovements Committee Meeting saw Councillors discuss an idea previously put to them by resident Vivian Olds.

During a Public Participation session, held back in August as part of a Town Council Committee meeting, Mrs Olds asked if councillors had ever thought about adding a water feature on Smalltown seafront to help attract visitors to the town. Headmistress and Mayor Kelsey Dullard had promised that the matter would be discussed at a later date.

Members of the committee have put a lot of thought into the proposal with Cllr Banish Barracuda whispering “The idea is to be welcomed, but it’s going to require an awful lot of thought, so I think we should add it to our list of things to think about when we start thinking about other ways to improve the town centre and seafront.”

Squire Teflon said “I think a water feature is a good idea. It’s something we’ve thought about many times in the past.”

Smalltown’s Most Popular Person and Dullbridge Public Enemy Number One, Cllr Jock McCads said “Cllr Knickers and I recently walked along the seafront and we did a wee bit of thinking as we went. We thought we’d identified a suitable site for a water feature but when we thought about it a bit more we realised that these things can be very expensive, so it’s something the council really need to think about.”

Professional Fun Sponge Cllr Patsy Knickers added “I’ve given this a great deal of thought and it seems that the intention is to encourage people to enjoy themselves on holiday. This council should not be in the business of encouraging jollity. We are here to suck the life out of residents and visitors by constantly reminding them of the Cost of Living Crisis and the Environment and Ecological Disaster that we all face. Anything which could add a spark of fun to otherwise sad lives should be actively discouraged.”

Cllr McCads continued “I do think a water feature is a good idea, but perhaps we should think about some alternative ideas.for example we could think about buying some inflatable paddling pools and a length of hose pipe, perhaps even some buckets and a watering can. The showers put in recently by Sadgebore District Council have proved popular, so perhaps we should think about improving this existing facility.

Next year we will become part of the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council and that is probably a better time for us to think about thinking of ideas.”

Councillors agreed to think about the idea during a future meeting of the Funding Taskforce to Inject Life into the Economy (FuTILE), which has been set up as part of the Task Force for Economic and Tourism Advantage (TaFFETA), an idea which will allow everyone to think about ways to rejuvenate Smalltown.

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