With the arrival of Katie Global, the Smalltown New Administration Guru (SNAG) at Hayloft Road Palace, councillors gathered to bid a fond farewell to the Smalltown Temporary Executive Administration Manager (STEAM), Con Slurs
Speaking exclusively to SomersetClive about his tenure Mr Slurs told us about his experience at Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council.
“It’s been interesting, to say the least! I joined SaDTC at a time of immense upheaval as the council transitioned from being an Illiberal Party stronghold under the full control of Squire Teflon to a BeFuddled Party-led Council. Although I use the word ‘led’ very loosely.
I really had my work cut out to try and whip all the new councillors into shape. The vast majority had no idea where they were or what they were doing – and I include the Illiberal Party members in that assessment.
I have painstakingly had to teach them about important council functions, including protocol, standing orders, registers of interest and where the toilets are.
I’ve had to step in during meetings on several occasions to remind both councillors and members of the public that business should be conducted in an orderly fashion and reminding them that agendas are there for a reason.
I will never forget the time when SaD Town Councillors tried to subvert the legal and national requirement for councils to be open and transparent at all times and instead voted to ban the recording of meetings by members of the public. Up until that point I had been certain that the Councillors had read and absorbed the contents of the copies of ‘Councilling for Dummies’ which I had distributed.
I will remember my time in Smalltown fondly – although I never did find out where Dullbridge is or what it’s purpose is. I have enjoyed several lovely cups of tea with the Headmistress and Town Mayor, Kelsey Dullard, as we planned her World Tour in the staffroom and the look of horror on Squire Teflon’s face as he lost all his chairs will haunt me forever.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Katie Global all the luck in the world. She’s going to need it.”