Students at Queen Ethelred’s School will today receive the eagerly anticipated results of their GSCE examinations.
For some the results will be good news, with scores of pupils expected to achieve A’s and A*’s, but for others the news may be grim.
I’m here to issue some advice and reassirance to those of you who haven’t done as well as expected.
I attended Queen Ethelred’s School back in the days when it was a mere Princess Ethelred’s School and, like many of you today, I didn’t do as well in my examinations as I thought I would.
I can remember the thrill of tearing open that envelope, fully expecting to see a raft of excellent results, but it wasn’t to be.
However, don’t worry if your results are disappointing. I achieved an ungraded mark in every single one of my exams and look at me now!
I’m a reporter for SomersetClive.