Time Travellers spotted in Smalltown again

A large group of Time Travellers have pitched up on Smalltown’s Promenade Lawns for the 94th time this year.

Town resident Mr MucGorm called SomersetClive to tell us “THEY’RE HERE AGAIN. PLEASE WILL SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN AND DO SOMETHING?” (Editor – I think you’ve got caps lock stuck on. Sort it out or I’ll be calling you into my office.)

Mr MucGorm continued “I’ve called the Police, but they’re very busy rounding up local gang-members who are out way past their bedtime.”

A spokesperson for Sadgebore District Council said “We are aware of the situation and have issued the statutory notice required, asking them nicely if they wouldn’t mind leaving, but the trouble is they run rings around us. As fast as we evict them they either turn up again last week or reappear two weeks next Tuesday.”

Editor – Steve? Isn’t this an exact copy of a story we ran seven months ago?

Yes, Mr Editor, Sir. Time stands still in Smalltown, so I thought it was worth going back in time to repeat it. Ground Hog day, if you will.

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