Several residents turned up to the meeting to look at Sadgebore District Council’s plans for a new-look Dullbridge.
Headmistress and Town Mayor, Councillor Kelsey Dullard said “It was great to see a high turnout of BeFuddled Party Councillors at the meeting. We spent a fair amount of time posing in front of the boards which detailed the proposals and managed to take some incredible selfies, which we’ve plastered all over social media.”
The boards, produced by Sadgebore, offered residents a glimpse of what the future could hold for the town if Sadgebore are successful in obtaining grant funding from the Government’s ‘Level It’ fund. The bid, for £20 million of funding, will be split between Dullbridge, Cheese and Crapton Pallet, with only Dullbridge actually being in Sadgebore. If successful this would see each town awarded £6.5 million which, by the time further consultation has been paid for, will see at least £94.00 spent in each area.
A spokesperson for Sadgebore said “We have come up with some incredible ways to spend the money, including transforming the area around Dullbridge and Smalltown Train Station into a mini oasis to create a high quality and attractive gateway to the town.
We envisage turning the current green and pleasant vista into a tarmacked area offering a bus station, additional car parking and perhaps even squeezing in a housing estate or three.
We have also included our ideas for improving the community hall at Wiltshire Close. We realise that most people refer to the community hall as being in Poorland Road and so, to add to their confusion about where it is, we made sure to apply our usual attention to detail by spelling the name of the hall incorrectly on our display boards.”
Any funding awarded has to be spent by 2024 and with the demise of Sadgebore due in just under a year it is expected that the plans will be shelved by February 2023.