Teflon offers hand of friendship

After the Illiberal Party only managed to secure seven seats on Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council against the BeFuddled Party’s nine, Squire Teflon has magnamiously offered to work with the BeFuddleds in future.

With many years of doing things his way or no way the Squire now says that it is important for all councillors to “work together as a group.”

This is an incredible turnaround for a man more used to getting things done on his own terms and refusing to take any opposition into account.

Local BeFuddled Councillor, Banish Barracuda, said “These results mark the start of a new era for Smalltown and Dullbridge. We hope to be able to introduce the principles of democracy in the area, listening to the views of local residents for once.”

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