Tonight at the Blitz Social Club,
A special treat for those that lub*,
Poems galore and a special guest,
The launch of Smalltown Literary Fest.
Friday and Saturday will also see
Workshops and authors talking merrily
About their work (apart from me –
My entry was rejected by the powers-that-be)
“This is, without doubt, the worst book we’ve ever read,
We asked for entries to be fiction” they said.
“‘Love in a Smalltown‘ is clearly non-fiction instead.”
And with that my literary career was cut dead.
For other budding authors I’m sure you’ll find,
Some tips and hints to keep in mind.
There’s a bus that you can catch for nowt,
To make it easier to get out and about.
For those of you who love to read,
The event will be sure to appeal indeed.
With local author Nicholas Voyd leading a walk,
Detailing the background to his books in a talk.
It all takes place at the Elephant Enclosure White,
Budding authors – if you want to write,
Come along and enjoy the fun.
There really is something for everyone.
* *Ed – Steve – ‘lub’??
Yes, Mr Editor, Sir. It means ‘love’
Ed – I know what it means, I’m querying your usage of it here, it seems a rather weak rhyme. Surely you could have come up with a better second line?
I tried. I couldn’t.