Several more current Councillors have announced their intentions not to seek re-election to Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council in May.
Cllr and Mrs Councillor Fencesitter have both declared their intention to “enjoy their retirement“, which obviously rules out spending evenings sat around a table with Squire Teflon in Hayloft Road Palace.
Mrs Fencesitter said “We plan to spend more time sipping gin on our decking and moaning about the ridicous decisions made by the Town Council in common with every other resident in the area.”
With Mr Fencesitter having been a Councillor in various areas around the country for 94 years this represents a huge loss of experience to the Town Council. He told us “I’m not giving up politics entirely, as I plan to continue sharing my wealth of experience with readers of SomersetClive via my ‘Fencesitter’s Guide to Politics’ column.”
In another shock announcement Cllr Chris Invisible will also be standing down (Ed – Who he? Never heard of him.)
Cllr Invisible was recently privately censured by Squire Teflon for publically announcing that she didn’t “see the point in throwing good money after bad” when proposals to maintain Hayloft Road Palace were discussed. “Most of us here would like to get shot of it” she declared, despite knowing full well that Squire Teflon wants to keep the building in his ever-expanding portfolio of expensive properties.
The fate of Cllr Fawn Fairy is unknown, as she is considered to have turn-coat tendancies. Elected to SaDTC as a Befuddled Party member, she swiftly declared herself an independent and has oft been seen flirting with Squire Teflon (or is it the other way round? ) and his Illiberal Party.
With both the Illiberal and BeFuddled parties struggling to find new blood it remains to be seen if the newly formed Smalltown and Dullbridge Independent Super Team (SADIST) can make a dent in the make up of SaDTC, as so far the SADISTS have only announced the name of one candidate – Teresa Calcutter.