What’s on

As the curtains close on the Dance and Drama section of the Dullbridge Eisteddfod, which saw proud parents attend the White Elephant Enclosure, the doors of the Dullbridge Community Hall opened to welcome the Music section. Whilst both venues will see an increase in users, and Dullbridge Community Hall will certainly see a much needed increase in income for the week, the WEE is unlikely to make anything other than a loss for the month.

Not to worry, it’s not all about the money is it? Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge are delighted to be able to contribute to the obscene running costs of the venue if it means they can see quality sold out performances.

A quality sold out performance is unlikely this weekend, as the WEE plays host to yet another tribute band, playing unknown songs to the few people who can actually remember the original band.

Down the road at the South West’s Premier Music Venue, singing Landlord, Tom Portman, won’t actually be singing this weekend, but has instead secured the services of Smalltown’s very own Irish punkster tribute – The Fauxges. For a very reasonable £10 ticket costs, attendees can prop up the bar consuming streams of whiskey before falling from grace with God in dirty old Smalltown.

If you’re looking for some solid family-friendly entertainment then you won’t go far wrong at the Blitz Cinema. Owner Padraig Irishh who knows a thing or two about giving the public what they want, has a choice of the latest films, comfy seats and a great sweet selection.

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