Town Bored splinters?

Rumours have been circulating in Smalltown that members of the Same Old Smalltown (formerly known as…

Lord Pox campaign continues

Residents in the new Smalltown and Dullbridge, Fridgpond Unitary Constituency (SaDFUC) have recently been treated to…

Strange Smalltown sightings continue

Reports have been flooding into the SomersetClive office from hysterical Smalltown residents who are convinced that…

Nominations sought for Community Champion Citizen Citations

It’s that time of year again! Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council are once again asking…

Strange symbols spotted on beach

Residents of Smalltown have been phoning the SomersetClive office in their dozens to report strange patterns…

Leaflet Launched

Six of the top leisure facilities in Smalltown and Dullbridge have combined forces to launch a…

Strange phenomena sighted

Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge have reported seeing strange lights in the night sky above the…

Warning issued

Visitors to the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and…

Headmistress disappointed again

When planning permission was granted for the 9,400 houses on the Brewery Farm green land on…

Exercise with Fizzie

A new exercise class for old people is set to start in Smalltown shortly. ‘Music and…