What’s on

This weekend at the White Elephant Enclosure, or rather on Friday night (because that’s the only night there is an event this week, despite the Top Secret Consultant’s Report suggesting that in order to increase user numbers events should be held every day), tribute band The Woodworkers will be taking to the stage to entertain residents over the age of 70, who may well remember the original Woodworkers.

Tickets are priced at £23.94, which may explain why only half have been sold. It should be noted that in Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM) speak this means ‘tickets are selling incredibly well’.

Theatre and cinema impresario Padraig Irishh of the Blitz Cinema has been packing in the punters over half term, with a variety of family-friendly films on offer and all for the bargain price of £4 a ticket.

Down the road at the South West’s Premier Music Venue, The Old Jetty Inn, Saturday night features Easton-under-Water band Warburton who will get you on your feet and dancing to their repertoire of popular music, and all for free.

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