Strange phenomena sighted

Photograph of strange lights as captured by Smalltown resident Amos Dour

Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge have reported seeing strange lights in the night sky above the towns.

Smalltown resident Amos Dour told SomersetClive “I was taking out the dog for a last minute walk when I noticed some strange lights in the sky. The lights were moving really quickly and then seemed to stop in midair above Smalltown Beach, before suddenly moving off again. I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

The same lights were spotted in the night sky above Dullbridge, with Reg Fissure commenting “They were really bright and seemed to be revolving. At first I thought it might be a light aircraft trying to find a landing spot, but then the lights stopped moving and seemed to be just hanging in midair. If I’m honest they were a vast improvement on the Dullbridge Christmas Light.”

Smalltown Seafront resident Gertrude Gristle also saw the strange lights in the sky. “They were so bright they lit up my front room. My first thought was that the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council had finally put a new bulb in the street lamp opposite, which has needed replacement since 1981, but the next night it was still as dark as ever, so it can’t have been that.”

SomersetClive can confirm that as we went to press this morning no one had come up with a plausible explanation for the phenomena. Investigations by Somerset Police, assisted by the Smalltown Area Ship, Hovercraft and Helicopter (SMASHH) are ongoing.

Did you see the strange lights? Get in touch with Clive.

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