A new exercise class for old people is set to start in Smalltown shortly. ‘Music and Movement for the Over 94s’ will be held every Thursday in the Puritan Church Hall.
The classes will be run by Fizzie Webb who says “Too often we see residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge over the age of 94 take to their Barker Loll recliners and fester there until they die. My new exercise class aims to change that.
I will be starting off very gently, because i don’t want the shock of moving to kill anyone off, so I will be encouraging the class to remain in their recliners and carefully tap their toes on the ground to get the blood circulating.
Hopefully we can then move on with some gentle stretches, extending a hand over to the arm rest to reach the television remote control. We will then do the same with the opposite hand onto the opposite arm rest to pick up the emergency alert pager.
It’s really important that the over 94s keep themselves as active as possible and I’ve designed these exercises to help our old people become more self-sufficient. Once they’ve completed the classes they will be able to change the channel on the television and phone for an ambulance.”
Anyone signing up for the exercises will need to take their own Barker Loll recliner.