Rebrand for Bored

The Smalltown Town Bored has revealed that it has chosen another new name as it works to improve Smalltown.

Originally conceived as the Task Force for Economic and Tourism Advantage (TaFFETA), and made up of Councillors, Council Officers, local Business Leaders and Retail Experts. After consultation with Retail Experts it was decided to rename the group as the Funding Taskforce to Inject Life into the Economy (FuTILE),

Following an initial workshop the group of Councillors, Council Officers, local Business Leaders and Retail Experts who made up the membership of FuTILE, decided to rename the group the Smalltown Town Bored and open the membership to Councillors, Council Officers, local Business Leaders and Retail Experts.

At a recent meeting of the newly-formed Smalltown Town Bored, chaired by Ruth Accrington-Stanley of Pride – a Really Unique and Diverse Event (PRUDE), members decided that the most important step on the road to progress would be to choose a new name, which would sum up the aims and objectives of the Bored, as they set off on the journey to seek ways to make Smalltown more attractive and appealing to both residents and visitors.

Each member of the Bored was invited to write their suggestions on a post-it note for consideration. A vote was then taken, which saw the most popular choice being ‘Same Old Smalltown‘ (SOS).

With a spending pot of £50,000 – which can only be spent on retail experts, consultants, coffee, biscuits and post-it notes – and with the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council strapped for cash, it seems that any ideas will struggle to find funding.

Previous attempts to gain grant funding for Smalltown have seen the funds syphoned off to improve Squire Teflon’s White Elephant Enclosure. As the Squire is a member of Same Old Smalltown it is likely that any new ideas which mention the WEE will receive his wholehearted approval.

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