PMP shows ignorance

Having gatecrashed both the Smalltown Remembrance Parade and the Dullbridge Christmas Light Switch On, BeFuddled Party Prospective Missing Person for the Smalltown and Dullbridge, Fridgpond Unitary Constituency (SaDFUC), Clara Scullery, has wasted no time in highlighting her appearances at the events on social media.

Posting photographs posing alongside Dictator Dullard, Scullery made it glaringly obvious that her visit to Dullbridge was her first ever saying “Lovely event at Dullbridge High Street, for the Christmas Light switch on.

Lots of people are here, creating a great atmosphere and a good way to raise my profile. My thanks to Dictator Dullard for again her photograph opportunities with me.

Good to meet local businesses in the High Street, who have shown their resilience post Corvid.”

As anyone who has been to Dullbridge more than once knows, the town doesn’t have a High Street and Ms Scullery has only shown that she knows absolutely nothing about a town she wants to represent in a General Election.

If further proof is needed, then her reference to local businesses showing ‘resilience post Corvid’ is all that is needed. The Corvid pandemic has been the least of businesses in Dullbridge worries. It’s the years and years of neglect from Sm and Dullbridge Town Council, Sadgebore District Council and the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council which has been more of a problem.

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