SaDTC new marketing campaign

In a desperate attempt to raise funds, in order to avoid falling into the financial abyss currently being faced by the similarly BeFuddled-controlled All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council have launched a new marketing campaign.

A SaD spokesperson said “Yes, it’s true. We need to raise some cash to keep the White Elephant Enclosure open and so after quite a lot of talking and thinking we’ve come up with a brilliant idea and we are using the SaD Town Council website to promote it.

Very few people actual visit our website, to all extents and purposes it’s a dead space so this idea is ideal.”

Anyone clicking on any links on the SaDTC website are greeted by the new advertising campaign which offers ‘Application for a Memorial , Additional Inscription or the Memorial Rose Garden’ . This includes the link to the ‘Meet your Councillors‘ page, which is apt, given that most of the SaD Town Councillors may well find themselves buried in the next election.

Anyone interested is asked to contact the Smalltown and Dullbridge Smalltown Administration Deputy (SADSAD) Eileen Mutton c/o The Balcony, St. Tropez.

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