Top Secret Rumours

Rumours have been circulating in Smalltown and Dullbridge regarding a Top Secret Meeting which is alleged to have taken place at a Top Secret Location, which may be situated in Smalltown.

It is further alleged that a Top Secret Party was invited to attend a meeting at the Top Secret Location, which may be situated in Smalltown, by a Top Secret Member of Staff at the Top Secret Location, on the instruction of Two Other Top Secret Parties who represent the interests of themselves at the Top Secret Organisation which operates from the Top Secret Location, which may be situated in Smalltown.

During the Top Secret meeting the Top Secret Party was informed by the Two Other Top Secret Parties that they did not appreciate the Top Secret Party talking publically about a Top Secret Idea the Top Secret Party had had and which the Top Secret Party planned to outline to the Top Secret Organisation at a later date.

The Top Secret Idea is believed to have been connected to Another Top Secret Location, run by a Top Secret Panel of Top Secret Other Parties. which reports suggests may also be in Smalltown.

The Top Secret Idea is believed to have been related to the Top Secret Party’s Top Secret Business Skills which could have made a Top Secret Success of the Another Top Secret Location, run by a Top Secret Panel of Top Secret Other Parties. which reports suggests may also be in Smalltown.

It has been alleged that during the Top Secret Meeting the Top Secret Party was told in no uncertain terms by the Two Top Secret Other Parties that if the Top Secret Party ever speaks publically again about the Another Top Secret Location, run by a Top Secret Panel of Top Secret Other Parties. which reports suggests may also be in Smalltown, then the Top Secret Party will be placed in permanent detention, prior to being hung, drawn and quartered with Top Secret Body Parts sent to all four corners of the planet.

Furthermore should the Top Secret Party fail to heed the Top Secret Warning – which the Top Secret Other Parties insist wasn’t a Warning but was in fact Top Secret Advice – then the Top Secret Party will never ever, ever never be allowed to get the Top Secret Party’s hands on the Another Top Secret Location, run by a Top Secret Panel of Top Secret Other Parties. which reports suggests may also be in Smalltown,

Residents are ‘advised’ that this Top Secret Warning may be extended to anyone, Top Secret or otherwise who mentions Another Top Secret Location, run by a Top Secret Panel of Top Secret Other Parties, which reports suggests may also be in Smalltown in less than flattering terms and/or makes suggestions on ways to improve the running of the Another Top Secret Location, run by a Top Secret Panel of Top Secret Other Parties, which reports suggests may also be in Smalltown.

SomersetClive has attempted to contact both the Top Secret Party and the Two Other Top Secret Parties who represent the interests of themselves at the Top Secret Organisation which operates from the Top Secret Location, which may be situated in Smalltown, but have been unable to do so because it is all Top Secret.

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