SaD TC expected to announce decision TODAY. Possibly.

The Befuddled controlled Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council is expected to announce today that they’ve finally made an actual decision.

After only four days’ worth of thinking, talking and head scratching it is believed that the BeFuddleds are actually going to get off their fences and announce whether or not the annual Festival of Bangs and Flashes will go ahead on Sunday.

With a seemingly total lack of awareness of the tragic incident which unfolded in Smalltown last Sunday, Councillors expressed surprise that holding the Festival, which sees fireworks launched from the jetty, could be deemed disrespectful.

A Top Secret Meeting was held last night, where it is believed that Dictator Dullard and Deputy Dictator announced that they haven’t quite made up their minds yet, because they are “hoping that something might turn up which will change minds and mean the Festival could or could not go ahead”.

The Councillors present therefore agreed that if a decision is to be made then it could possibly, perhaps, maybe, conceivably be announced today.

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