Decision MADE

As revealed this morning in SomersetClive, Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council has made a decision and announced it.

Reading from a statement written by Dictator Dullard and edited for publication a Town Council spokesperson said “After a great deal of thinking and talking and discussion and debate, Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Council has decided to postpone the Festival of Bangs and Flashes this Sunday, in respect of the unfortunate incident which occurred at the exact location that the Festival was due to launch exactly one week later.

The Council understands there will be disappointment that the event has been postponed, but thank the residents for their understanding. Dictator Dullard is personally disappointed, because she was looking forward to announcing that the Festival was open and posing for photographs

The Festival will be re-arranged in due course and further details will be published when a date is confirmed. Which will probably be never, given how long it takes us to decide anything.”

SomersetClive welcomes the news that SaD Town Council has finally made a decision, albeit so late in the day. A true ‘mark of respect’ would have seen the cancellation much earlier in the week, but it seems that the weight of public opinion did eventually penetrate the dusty halls of Hayloft Road Palace, forcing the Council to do the right thing.

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