The White Elephant Enclosure
After the abject failure of last weekend’s two performance of a play aimed at families which, despite a half price ticket offer and a bribe in the form of cheap food from Bellends Cafe (who, it should be pointed out, would receive the full cost of the subsidised food from Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council), failed to achieve the objective of getting bums on seats at the White Elephant Enclosure, not to mention the screening of an old film yesterday for the Five Film Club which failed to sell a single ticket, this week is a different story as almost two thirds of the tickets have sold for musical extravaganxa ‘The Guernsey Girls., featuring music from the 1950s.
The show has most likely been booked on a 70/30 split basis which could well see the WEE net at least £794, plus any additional costs the new Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM) can dream up. A sum which won’t go very far when it comes to paying the electricity bill, even with 100% of ticket sales going to the WEE it still won’t have helped to cover the previous month’s losses, as monthly WEE expenditure is currently running in the region of £18,000.
The South West’s premier music venue, The Old Jetty Inn will have slightly more modern music on both the Friday and Saturday night in the form of indie and punk bands. Both gigs offer free entry together with a chance to pogo and drink beer (Although it’s probably best not to do the two at the same time).
Popular band ‘Pests’ will be playing at the George Hotel on Saturday night, where punters can also enjoy free entry and where alcohol which can be purchased prior, during and after the show. Something which can’t be done at the WEE.
Would have gone to Guernsey Girls had we known it was on. Still not advertising anything properly. Makes you wonder why council has advertising boards??