Guest Columnist Councillor Apprentice-Candlestick Maker on…

Public Transport

When my mum isn’t around to take me to Council meetings I myself have to personally find a way to get there on my own. This means I have to make use of using public transport which means either a public bus or a public train.

Bus services are currently £9.40 for a return journey, they will soon increase to £94 or £940 for a return journey from Fridgpond to Smalltown. I can’t myself remember what that other place near Smalltown is called but it has an Asdal supermarket and a return journey from Fridgpond to there is £9.49.

Bus services are unreliable though. I myself once tried to catch a bus from S&M after a Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council meeting at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others) at 7pm due to no buses. I personally had to walk to Dullbridge railway station to get the train home to Fridgpond.

Bus timetable on the last bus app is not good to use your own when the bus does not turn up and have a bus pass to last month. They only provided £5 compensation to me myself and I went the bus didn’t turn up. Even though the bus I missed wasn’t on the timetable and wasn’t supposed to turn up in the first place.

The travel tickets that used to be in a book I’ve not been seen for a long time and used to make accessing bus trips easier.

Train strikes have been a challenge. The trains will compensate for journeys affected by train strikes.

You need a car to live around here. I don’t have a car because I’m not old enough to drive. Dictator Dullard says cars are not good and we should not be allowed to have them but I don’t know how she expects us to attend Council meetings unless she doesn’t want us to.

(Ed – Steve, surely Cllr Apprentice-Candlestick Maker has run out of things to write about by now? Are people really supposed to take this inane drivel seriously? Some of it doesn’t even make sense.

Steve – I’m sorry, Sir, but it is all his own work and he says he’s got loads of important ideas and important things that he needs to write about, Sorry again.)

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