Decision deferred

Following the tragic events which unfolded on Smalltown Seafront this weekend, many residents have been wondering whether the annual Festival of Bangs and Flashes, scheduled to take place this coming Sunday is appropriate, given the circumstances.

The current mood in Smalltown is one of shock and gravity, with many residents feeling that a display scheduled to take place at the time and location of the loss of a life will be disrespectful.

SomersetClive contacted Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council, as organisers of the event, to ask if the display would be cancelled as a mark of respect. A spokesperson said “Dictator Dullard and Deputy Dictator Sherry haven’t made up their minds yet. You are asking them to make a decision before they have had enough time to think and talk about it.

As soon as the pair have made their minds up a statement will be issued.”

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